miércoles, 24 de noviembre de 2010

“Hachiko, always at your side”

One of the latest films I've seen is "Hachiko, always at your side". It is a drama based on real life, it´s about a man who has a dog called Hachi, this man, he´s a teacher, every day he went to work and Hachi was going to leave the train station and every evening to the arrival of the train was going to find, but one day this man gave a cardiopulmonary arrest and died at work. But this dog goes every day to look to get the train, but his master never appeared, yet this dog followed his master waiting for nine years and a day dreaming about the arrival of his master dies in the place where it always expected. Where today there is a statue of this dog, in your honor.

This movie is very sad, I cried a lot with this film, but it is highly recommendable, so they recommend, it's nice to see how it proves the adage that a dog is man's best friend.

Other films that I find very good, are: "They are like children", “My sister's wedding", “Confessions of a Shopaholic”, “Remember Me”, etc. I actually really like the movies, watching movies is one of my hobbies.

Every time I talk about movies with someone I remember a joke I once heard and those I love to share with you, it says: There was a time a “huasito” said: - See what it took to say "películas" to the "piliculas" and now called "flim" jajaja.

jueves, 18 de noviembre de 2010

My experience learning English at the Faculty

My experience of having learned English at the Faculty was very rewarding.

When I went to school, in English class, we did activities of the books assigned for each course and the tests were most grammar and writing activities that listening. At school we conducted almost no activities related to listening to recordings, our teacher doesn´t speak English all the time and sometimes listening tests included, but were very few. That is why I never thought I would have this class of English in the university.

Firstly I thought this would be different, that this would be as the other subject, which we should write in the class everything said by the teacher, but this wasn´t so; here, in the university, is very different, because the first class that we had were very different, because in this class we make much activities, we developed several guides that help us at learn new words, at the most important is that we learn words related with the area of the health, with our carrer. I think that this is very important, because is help us at increased our vocabulary and with this, we can speak more fluently and speak of different topics, we may communicate with each other.

Another benefit that brings us learn more about this language and especially in these instances, since we are doing work for which we need information from trusted sources, and most of the information we require is in English, and learning more about words conjunction as the field of health, helps us better understand the papper that we have read in our careers.

I think that way of teaching and conducting classes, doing activities, exercising and listening to recording in English It is a great way to learn to understand better when you speak this language and to speak with others in this language.

For me this experience has been really good. When I finished school, I had a very poor English, here en the university I learn a lot more, specially learned to understand better when someone speaks English and listen to what my partners say English, but I recognize that this is very difficult for me, I think that I don´t have abilities in this subject and all the people I know in this area will agree with me. But despite this I loved to have had English classes in college, I think it would be great to implement it for every careers.


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miércoles, 3 de noviembre de 2010

Myths about the Human Brain

Hi everybody!!!

I´m going to discuss the presentation of Dr. Maldonado on Tuesday last.
Dr. Maldonado spoke about the myths about the human brain and its functioning, the myths referred to by the doctor were

• “The human brain is very different from other brain of other animals”
• “Every brain function is localized in a specific place”
• “The brain works just like a computer”
• “The brain main function is to represent the world around us”
• “We use 10% of our brain capacity”

As we develop each myth, was denying the very dynamic and entertaining.
Finally, with very well-founded reasons the doctor denied all myths, for example in the first myth: "The human brain is very Different from Other brain of Other Animals", the doctor explained by the differences and similarities photos of the human brain with brains other animals like the whale, with which was very similar, however when comparing the human brain of a marsupial, they had many similarities, the doctor explained that the human brain is different from the brains of other animals the size and characteristics of the crust.
When referred to the third myth: "The brain works just like a computer" showed us with some differences like that is a lie, for example:

Computer ---------------------------Brain
- Linear operation ..........................Parallel operation
-Localized memory ........................Distributed memory

With these examples and some very entertaining activities It clarified many doubts I had about this topic, I think this activity was very successful and rewarding for our future and growth.

viernes, 8 de octubre de 2010


Hi everybody

In this blog I going to talk about stress.

Stress is the automatic and natural response of our body to the situations that are threatening or challenging. Our life and our environment, constantly changing, require us to continually adjusted, so a certain amount of stress (activation) is necessary.

The most common signs of stress are: anxiety, irritability, fear, fluctuation of mood, confusion, agitation, excessive self-criticism, difficulty concentrating and making decisions, concern for the future, repetitive thoughts, excessive fear of failure, some physical changes such as muscle made, cold or sweaty hands, headaches, back or neck problems, sleep disturbances, fatigue, shortness of breath or palpitations.

External events stressors aren´t always noticeable and intense, but can "accumulate" in effect until we reached the limit. The way we interpret and think about what happens to us affects our perspective and experience of stress. So often it is our interpretation that generates (or power) a negative reaction to stress, rather than the event or situation that we face.

During the university years the main factors contributing to stress are usually related to: leave your home, having to commute for miles, share a flat or live alone, in addition to meeting academic responsibilities, the classes and personal relationships. To this must be added sometimes positive events, like falling in love or to prepare a study tour, although we also welcome to add some tension. In these situations is when more difficult for us relax or take away from them.

Strategies to cope with stress seek to prevent or control the excesses in the demands of the environment or ourselves. In cases where the situation that causes us stress is inevitable, the challenge is to address the situation as healthy as possible, some effective strategies are: rest, exercise, maintain a healthy diet, manage their time, sharing emotions, among others.

jueves, 7 de octubre de 2010

One in four youngsters 'not using contraception'

Hi !
This post is a summary about a article of the guardian newspaper.
A survey of the world by Marie Stopes International for Contraception Day on December 26 revealed that one in four U.S. sexually active young people fail to use any form of contraception with a new partner, this figure makes called on the government to provide sex education in schools is a matter of priority.
The results of this survey revealed that 16% of young people admitted having unprotected sex to said they had forgotten to use contraception with a new partner, 13% said not their preferred partner to use it and 19% said they failed to take precautions because they were drunk.
Is for this that Tracey McNeill, vice-president of UK and Europe at Marie Stopes International, said: "We are calling on the coalition government to put sex education and relationships back on the agenda and ensure all schools, including faith schools, teach a standardised curriculum to 15 year olds”.

This survey also revealed that more than half of the respondents had already had their 18th birthday by sex and the government's own data shows, 83% are sexually active by the same age. This shows that it is very important to the delivery of sexual information in the different schools to youth who have not yet begun their sex lives.

In addition McNeill refers to the importance of sex and relationships where education is taught in conjunction with contraceptive information, more young people practise safe sex, this is very relevant, since 32% of young people in the UK said sometimes they felt the different confused about contraception options and did not know was which method best for them and their partner. A total of 19% believe the "withdrawal method" is an effective contraception.

The importance of providing sexual information at an early age is to avoid unwanted pregnancies and the risk of acquiring sexually transmitted infections.

Here is the link of the article:

sábado, 11 de septiembre de 2010


The presentation of Dr. Valenzuela about " Postovulatory effects of levonorgestrel in emergency contraception " seemed to me to be very interesting, because I didn´t have many knowledge on this topic, and after having read his paper I had still had some doubts, which I could solve in the talk that it gave last Thursday, in addition during the talk it clarified some concepts that me were of great help to be able to understand better the topic that the doctor was speaking.

The talk was very good for us, as futures Midwives, since it helps us to know more on the topic of the contraceptives, topic that it is very important in our career, especially to be able to educate our future patients on his use, his effects and more even for the familiar planning.

I had listened on several other contraceptive tablets, but not the levonorgestrel; in the talk I learned on the effects postovulatorios of this tablet, which two doses manage the affairs post-coitus and which the probability of efficiency is diminishing as he manages the affairs more lately. In addition I learned that every day between the coitus and LNGE's administration is one day that removes itself him to the window of fertility of the cycle of fecundity of the woman.

According to the vision of the Dr. Carlos, the levonorgestrel used as emergency contraceptive increases the risk of ectopic pregnancy when there fails as contraceptive, which we him should report to our patients and that therefore shouldn´t be in use for situations so delicate as the violation or the emergency contraception.

I am very grateful that give themselves these instances of learning, since it helps us so much to increase our knowledge in the diverse topics of which we treat like to increase our medical vocabulary.