viernes, 8 de octubre de 2010


Hi everybody

In this blog I going to talk about stress.

Stress is the automatic and natural response of our body to the situations that are threatening or challenging. Our life and our environment, constantly changing, require us to continually adjusted, so a certain amount of stress (activation) is necessary.

The most common signs of stress are: anxiety, irritability, fear, fluctuation of mood, confusion, agitation, excessive self-criticism, difficulty concentrating and making decisions, concern for the future, repetitive thoughts, excessive fear of failure, some physical changes such as muscle made, cold or sweaty hands, headaches, back or neck problems, sleep disturbances, fatigue, shortness of breath or palpitations.

External events stressors aren´t always noticeable and intense, but can "accumulate" in effect until we reached the limit. The way we interpret and think about what happens to us affects our perspective and experience of stress. So often it is our interpretation that generates (or power) a negative reaction to stress, rather than the event or situation that we face.

During the university years the main factors contributing to stress are usually related to: leave your home, having to commute for miles, share a flat or live alone, in addition to meeting academic responsibilities, the classes and personal relationships. To this must be added sometimes positive events, like falling in love or to prepare a study tour, although we also welcome to add some tension. In these situations is when more difficult for us relax or take away from them.

Strategies to cope with stress seek to prevent or control the excesses in the demands of the environment or ourselves. In cases where the situation that causes us stress is inevitable, the challenge is to address the situation as healthy as possible, some effective strategies are: rest, exercise, maintain a healthy diet, manage their time, sharing emotions, among others.

1 comentario:

  1. The stress is more complicated than i had imagined, and definitely we need to learn to handle it..
