sábado, 11 de septiembre de 2010


The presentation of Dr. Valenzuela about " Postovulatory effects of levonorgestrel in emergency contraception " seemed to me to be very interesting, because I didn´t have many knowledge on this topic, and after having read his paper I had still had some doubts, which I could solve in the talk that it gave last Thursday, in addition during the talk it clarified some concepts that me were of great help to be able to understand better the topic that the doctor was speaking.

The talk was very good for us, as futures Midwives, since it helps us to know more on the topic of the contraceptives, topic that it is very important in our career, especially to be able to educate our future patients on his use, his effects and more even for the familiar planning.

I had listened on several other contraceptive tablets, but not the levonorgestrel; in the talk I learned on the effects postovulatorios of this tablet, which two doses manage the affairs post-coitus and which the probability of efficiency is diminishing as he manages the affairs more lately. In addition I learned that every day between the coitus and LNGE's administration is one day that removes itself him to the window of fertility of the cycle of fecundity of the woman.

According to the vision of the Dr. Carlos, the levonorgestrel used as emergency contraceptive increases the risk of ectopic pregnancy when there fails as contraceptive, which we him should report to our patients and that therefore shouldn´t be in use for situations so delicate as the violation or the emergency contraception.

I am very grateful that give themselves these instances of learning, since it helps us so much to increase our knowledge in the diverse topics of which we treat like to increase our medical vocabulary.

Sicko: A deep look into the health system in the United States

Hi everyone!!!

I´m going to talk about my impression of the film seen on Tuesday, Sicko, directed by Michael Moore. In my opinion this documentary shows very clearly how are the different health systems in different countries.

I was quite impressed on how the health system in the U.S.A. Doesn´t falls on my head, how people having health insurance doesn´t cover them so many diseases that can suffer and that if not treated on time can lead to death. I don´t understand how people having retirement age, have to keep working the rest of his life to buy the medicine, or their country people have to travel to another, to receive better quality care.

I was impressed when he mentioned the movie that doctors with more denials of interventions are most rewarded by insurance, then I wonder: these doctors have real vocation or only care about the money you earn?
I was also impressed when he alluded to insurers reject people because they are very obese or very thin, without being at all extreme cases. I also called attention to how when a person who needs an expensive transaction, the companies rummage automatically and by systems in their health history and take advantage of anything to say that you are withholding information and deny the service.

I can´t understand how could they be so insensitive to the point of deceiving people by telling them that they had no tumor, being that it was true and that lack of attention the sick many die.

I was quite surprised to see how was the health system in England, I don´t know much about these issues, but I didn´t know I could have, somewhere, a health system as having a country where health care is free all and the doctors get bonuses if they manage to change a bad habit of patients or if they can, for example, that their patients lower cholesterol levels. Here health indices are much higher than in the U.S.A., people have a better quality of life and they don´t live with afraid of getting sick from not having money or a health system that covers their diseases.

This documentary seemed great; I think that as future health professionals must be willing to give our best to people who need it most.